I remember an elder talking about the son he has that got a blood transfusion. He blamed the blood for his son becoming a criminal. Said he got bad blood and it's cost him everything.
Oh well.........
the other day dad was telling me about how the wts used to say that the personality was in the blood.
today mom brought home the latest magazines (didn't look at the date) and in the "in our next issue" box there is an article asking if our blood type determines our personality.
maybe they're going to revisit the issue, i understand they never retracted their previous view on the subject.
I remember an elder talking about the son he has that got a blood transfusion. He blamed the blood for his son becoming a criminal. Said he got bad blood and it's cost him everything.
Oh well.........
Only 4 more years of Bush? You mean his wife isn't running in 2008???
with saddam captured and the economy fast improving, do you think the democrats are doomed in the 2004 presidential race?
i certainly think so and hope so.
george w, bush for president again.
Dooooomed I say.....doooooooomed
Justice is coming...Bush speaking now
ok, here's a problem that i am looking for a little advice with.
my fiance is an ex jw and his parents (and other family members) are still practicing.
they have pretty much totally cut him off since he moved in with me.
It would be wonderful to be able to invite them. but.......
Talk to your husband about it. I'd suggest telling him you think it might be the thing to do but he really doesn't want them there then screw it, they don't need to be there. Has to be his choice.
(yes i am posting a lot but it is cause i couldn't go to dallas
ok ant is in va until mid-january.
he was fitted for his dress blues last week.
I only want the best guarding my president. Looks like I've got my wish
saddam's palace may be new u.s. embassy
- 12-12-2003. u.s. bombs never hit saddam hussein's grandiose presidential palace in baghdad, making its ample meeting rooms and vast conference tables an ideal headquarters for u.s.-led occupation authorities after the war.
[ by jim krane, associated press writer .
You change your photo so much, I hardly know who you are. What gives?
Well thank you for paying attention.
Should something give?
saddam's palace may be new u.s. embassy
- 12-12-2003. u.s. bombs never hit saddam hussein's grandiose presidential palace in baghdad, making its ample meeting rooms and vast conference tables an ideal headquarters for u.s.-led occupation authorities after the war.
[ by jim krane, associated press writer .
Hi Swickley Did you miss me????
for those who have children over the age of 21. did yours suddenly think they were cool and new everything after their birthday?
is this a normal way they act or is my daughter just freaking out
Doesn't that happen at age 13 instead of 21? Mom says it did for me.
i was reading the soul mate thread and wanted to ask: how many of you have truly loved and been in love with two people at the same time?.
i have been married 30 years to a wonderful man.
i do love him and he is crazy about me.
But since your new love is all prepared for your bi position, I imagine you would probably have pretty good luck letting your next sweetheart move in with you
Actually I've only been with him since I've been going with him. I won't be with anyone else as long as we're together. Interesting thought though and I know lots of couples allow a bi marital partner to go off with someone from the same sex. I won't do that. Making love is too personal for me and I plan to stay monogamous.